Title : Versatility of midface degloving approach in oral and maxillofacial surgery
Introduction: Traditional approaches to the midface include the Weber-Fergusson incision and the lateral rhinotomy approach which leave a visible scar on the face. The midfacial degloving approach is used to expose tumors of the maxilla, nasopharynx, orbits and central compartment of the anterior and middle cranial fossae.
Objectives: To assess the versatility and accessibility to the midfacial skeleton using midface degloving approach
Case presentation: We present 4 cases operated with the midface degloving approach: 1) benign maxillary tumor 2) maxillary cyst 3) quadrangular LeFort1 osteotomy 4) panfacial trauma. The patients were orally intubated (to allow for endonasal incisions). This approach entails a maxillary vestibular incision and three intranasal incisions (bilateral intercartilaginous, complete transfixion and bilateral piriform aperture incisions).
Results: This approach had favourable outcomes in terms of accessibility and esthetics.
Conclusion: This approach gives excellent exposure to entire midface from the root of zygoma from one side to the other including the infraorbital rims, body of zygoma, anterior maxilla, buttress and the pyriform rim. The advantage of this approach is that all incisions are placed within the intraoral and intranasal regions without any scars on the face.