Title: Are patients admitted with gallstone pancreatitis being treated as per the current UK guidelines?
Title: Calciphylaxis associated penile gangrene masquerading as penile Cancer: A Case Report
Title: Choice of anterior abdominal wall plasty in CKD patients with inguinal hernias
Title: Ultrasound-guided peripheral nerve block for upper limb surgery: Case report
Title: Cerebroproteins neuroprotective edge: Revolutionizing recovery in head injury patients
Title: The role of laparoscopy in the management of patients with isolated blunt abdominal trauma
Title: Impact of secondary cytoreductive surgery on recurrent ovarian cancer outcomes
Title: MCKITTRICK WHEELOCK SYNDROME: A case report in Tacloban City
Title: Rupture of hepatic artery aneurysm presenting into duodenum: A case report
Title: The impact of gender on carotid revascularization outcomes: A comprehensive review
Title: Innovative user friendly medical device for colostomy stool emission control
Title: A modified oblique incision in hamstring tendon graft harvesting during ACL reconstruction
Title: Amniotic fluid embolism case series and literature review