Title: AI-Assisted Infrared vision robotics for postoperative assessment (Tele rounding)
Title: Optimizing anesthetic management of empty nose syndrome at an ambulatory surgery center
Title: Post-operative pain management in thoracic surgery patients
Title: Are patients admitted with gallstone pancreatitis being treated as per the current UK guidelines?
Title: Colo-cutaneous fistula: an unusual complication after hemilaminectomy and microdiscectomy
Title: The multidisciplinary management of cleft lip and palate
Title: Choice of anterior abdominal wall plasty in CKD patients with inguinal hernias
Title: Laparoscopic intracorporeal suturing training in simulation and effectiveness estimation
Title: Anesthesia strategies for enhanced recovery in colorectal surgery
Title: Calciphylaxis associated penile gangrene masquerading as penile cancer: A case report
Title: Treatment of traumatic diaphragmatic hernia without prosthesis study of three cases
Title: Impact of secondary cytoreductive surgery on recurrent ovarian cancer outcomes
Title: Risk factors for deep venous thrombosis within three months after joint replacement surgery
Title: Ultrasound-guided peripheral nerve block for upper limb surgery: Case report
Title: Cerebroproteins neuroprotective edge: Revolutionizing recovery in head injury patients
Title: T1 & T2 squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity- A detailed study
Title: Evidenced based diagnostic protocol and management for pain in right iliac fossa
Title: Through the body, beyond the organs: Surviving TRANSPERINEAL ABDOMINO-THORACIC IMPALEMENT
Title: McKittrick Wheelock Syndrome: A case report in Tacloban City
Title: The role of laparoscopy in the management of patients with isolated blunt abdominal trauma
Title: The impact of gender on carotid revascularization outcomes: A comprehensive review
Title: Introduction of IT system in a surgical department DGH and its impact on patient safety
Title: Rupture of hepatic artery aneurysm presenting into duodenum: A case report
Title: Innovative user friendly medical device for colostomy stool emission control
Title: Early ileocecal resection in the treatment of stricturing crohns disease
Title: A modified oblique incision in hamstring tendon graft harvesting during ACL reconstruction
Title: Amniotic fluid embolism case series and literature review
Title: Surgical Approaches to Congenital Anomalies of Esophagus
Title: Sentinel Lymph Node (SLN) biopsy in patients with head & neck and thyroid cancers