Title: Tracheostomy-free total ventilatory support
Title: Will be Updated Soon....
Title: Innovative user friendly medical device for colostomy stool emission control
Title: Tracking the increase: Mortality rates for gastric, pancreatic, and colorectal cancers in Brazil over 14 years
Title: The role of laparoscopy in the management of patients with isolated blunt abdominal trauma
Title: The effect of caudal anesthesia block on perioperative pain control and reduction of the anesthetic agent in pediatric infraumbilical surgery: A prospective randomized trial study a prospective
Title: Morbi-mortalite anesthesique des nouveau-nes en post-operatoire immediat dans un pays a ressources limitees : cas de la republique democratique du Congo
Title: Ultrasound-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound for the ablation of multiple uterine fibroids: Assessment of safety and efficacy
Title: Identifying chemotherapy benefits in high-risk stage IB gastric cancer patients based on recurrence prediction value (RPV): A multicenter retrospective study in China