Title : Pilonidal sinus-management options and newer modalities
Pilonidal disease is a very common affliction that affects mainly young, hirsute, obese males during their young adult years of life. Previous etiological theories of this ailment centred on congenital causes. The current understanding is that pilonidal disease is an acquired affliction. There is a myriad of methods of treatment for chronic pilonidal disease. Surgeons from all over the world are looking for effective, low-traumatic methods of treating epithelial coccygeal passage. Analysis of literature data showed a great variability of surgical approaches in the treatment of this pathology. Such treatments vary from the creation of large skin flaps to the simple instillation of chemicals into the sinuses. As a result of this situation, a unified approach to the surgical tactics of treating the epithelial coccygeal passage has not yet been determined. The current favored treatments however are toward the use of the less invasive options compared to the large extensive flaps. Favored options include minimally invasive techniques as well as simple lay-open and marsupialization, lasers & endoscopes.
Audience Take Away Notes:
- be acquainted with the current state of knowledge of the pathogenesis of the pilonidal disease
- understand the main advantages and disadvantages of each laser technique used to treat it,
- know the recommendations for the management of acute pilonidal abscess.