Title : The role of laser tissue welding in pediatric surgery
Introduction: Laser tissue welding is a fantasy brought into reality by me in which tissues are held together by a glue instead of sutures which hardens after application of Laser light. It is described for the first time in medical literature by me. It has vast applications in paediatric surgery. Materials and methods: The 3 methods are 1) Glutaraldehyde Albumin Glue Enhanced Laser Tissue Welding-albumin (40%) mixed with 10% Glutaraldehyde in 10:1 proportion and applied over tissues and infrared Laser of 850 NM fired over it for 5 minutes makes a hard and waterproof bond. It requires an infrared laser costing Rs. 30 Lakhs which was indigenized by me in Rs.10,000. In past 3 years, I performed 155 suture-less circumcisions with the technique. Technique was used to stop bleeding of factor 8 deficiency in 3 cases without factor 8 infusion, 7 cases of gall bladder fossa bleeding stopped with it. It was used to seal suture line of 108 cases of hypospadias, 13 cases of recto vestibular fistulae, 21 cases of bowel anastomoses, 7 cases of choledocho-duodenostomy, 3 cases of TOF, 3 cases of grade 3 splenic injuries. 13 cases of hypospadias fistulae were treated which cured without surgery. 2) Chitosan Methylene blue film- One case of bowel perforation was sealed by Chitosan Methylene blue film fired by Laser successfully, reported for first time in medical literature.3) Methylene blue dye enhanced laser tissue welding-Methylene blue infiltrated in tissues and Infrared laser now works on it as blue is opposite colour. 21 cases of tongue tie released with it. 108 cases of hypospadias, 5 cases of splenic bleeding, 7 cases of liver tear, bleeding stopped which did not by electrocautery. Results: Results were much better than control group with better outcome and less complications. Discussion: Glutaraldehyde Albumin Glue Enhanced Laser Tissue Welding forms a waterproof bond with great strength over tissues which is more than even sutures. It seals wound wonderfully so that dehiscence does not occur and makes suture line waterproof. Chitosan Methylene blue film merges with tissues after application of Laser and seals perforations without sutures which may be harmful in oedematous tissues. Methylene blue dye enhanced laser tissue welding makes cheap infrared lasers work on tissues as blue colour is opposite of infra-red. Bleeding that did not stop with electrocautery stops with this technique. Conclusion: All 3 techniques of Laser tissue welding had great results compared to conventional techniques. We need more cases and longer follow up to develop it further.
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Audience will learn about a unique revolutionary and latest research on inducing Yoga with science and technology