Patients are given anesthesia so that surgery and other medical procedures can be performed safely and painlessly. The term "anaesthesia" refers to the loss of sensation. People who are sedated 'lose' their ability to sense pain and other sensations. Anaesthesia can be as basic as numbing the area around a tooth during dental treatment, or as sophisticated as inducing unconsciousness with powerful medicines. Anaesthesia medications work by inhibiting the signals that travel from your nerves to your brain. When the effects of the medications wear off, you resume regular sensations.
Medical care for those who have life-threatening injuries or illnesses is known as critical care. It frequently happens in a hospital's intensive care unit (ICU). A team of carefully educated health care providers is available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This includes using devices to check your vital signs on a continuous basis. It typically also entails administering specific treatments to you. People in a critical care unit may be unable to communicate at times. It's critical that you have a living will in place. If you are unable to make vital decisions, such as end-of-life decisions, this can assist your health care providers and family members.
Title : Tracking the increase: Mortality rates for gastric, pancreatic, and colorectal cancers in Brazil over 14 years
Gregory Lauar e Souza, Mater Dei Hospital, Brazil
Title : Calciphylaxis associated penile gangrene masquerading as penile Cancer: A Case Report
Gregory Lauar e Souza, Mater Dei Hospital, Brazil
Title : The role of laparoscopy in the management of patients with isolated blunt abdominal trauma
Abd El Aal Ali Saleem, Faculty of Medicine Sohag Univeristy, Egypt
Title : The effect of caudal anesthesia block on perioperative pain control and reduction of the anesthetic agent in pediatric infraumbilical surgery: A prospective randomized trial study a prospective
Zeana Amer Gawe, Ibn Al Nafees Hospital, Bahrain
Title : Ultrasound-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound for the ablation of multiple uterine fibroids: Assessment of safety and efficacy
Gao Hongmei, Chongqing Dianjiang County People's Hospital, China
Title : Innovative user friendly medical device for colostomy stool emission control
Claudio Bencini , Medicea Medica Srl, Italy